Stories of Anatolia Series

Stories of Anatolia
Stories of Anatolia series not only serves as auxiliary reading books for the adults who learn Turkish as a foreign language, but also merges the literary discourse, the elements of the short story genre and the richness of Anatolian culture. The stories appeal to the reason and heart of students in order to keep the element of curiosity alive as this element is crucial in learning and to make learning pleasant, easy and persistent. Students may use this set to improve their Turkish proficiency outside the course hours. The series consists of five books in the A1-A2 levels. The last section of each story contains comprehension questions about the text as well as exercises about the linguistic structures and vocabulary in the text. Anadolu Hikâyeleri series features the firsts in the field of teaching Turkish as a foreign language, and we hope it will prove useful for both students and instructors.
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