Thinking Beyond Borders in Cultural Diplomacy

The Cultural Diplomacy Academy of Yunus Emre Institute was established in 2016 with the vision of identifying effect-based national cultural diplomacy policies of Turkey within the framework of tasks and responsibilities of Yunus Emre Institute for implementation in line with the foreign policy priorities of Turkey and raising contemporary cultural diplomats of Turkey in this area.
The Cultural Diplomacy Academy has held the workshop on "Thinking Beyond Borders in Cultural Diplomacy" with high level of participation including academics and field experts such as Nabi Avcı, Şeref Ateş, İlber Ortaylı, Melih Barut, Beril Dedeoğlu, Sadettin Ökten, Mahmut Arslan and Abdülkadir Yalvaç to orient Turkey's cultural diplomacy policies and practices. This book has been prepared using the papers and speeches by the academics and field experts who attended the workshop on "Thinking Beyond Borders in Cultural Diplomacy," and it is published as part of the "Kutup Yıldızı" (Pole Star) series of the Cultural Diplomacy Academy to transfer the workshop's assets to future generations of cultural diplomats.
Thinking Beyond Borders in Cultural Diplomacy
Yunus Emre Institute Cultural Diplomacy Academy Publications
Editors : Şeref Ateş, Şaban Köktürk, Melih Barut
Cover Design : Damla Ünal
Grade : Second Grade - Cardboard Cover
Print Number : 1st Edition
First Edition Year : 2017
Number of Pages : 112
Size : 13,5 x 21
ISBN : 978-605-2097-04-5
Contact Point : 0 312 309 11 88
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