Turkish Becomes A Compulsory Foreign Language Course in Georgia

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With the breakthroughs made by Tbilisi Yunus Emre Institute, Türkiye continues to be included in the course as a “compulsory foreign language course” in the prestigious educational institutions of Georgia.


A cooperation protocol was signed between Tbilisi Yunus Emre Institute and Ghone Kveknisa Private School within the scope of the “My Choice is Turkish Project”.


Tbilisi Yunus Emre Institute Coordinator Can Güray, school principal Tamar Adeishvili, deputy principal Tinatin Khetsuriani and the founder of the school, Manana Karkashadze were present at the signing ceremony held in the historical building of Ghone Kveknisa Private School in Kutaisi, Georgia.


“With the signed protocol, an important step was taken to promote Turkish culture on a wide basis in Georgia”


Tbilisi Yunus Emre Institute Coordinator Can Güray expressed his satisfaction with the school managements inclusion of Turkish as a compulsory foreign language course in the curriculum, with awareness of the position of Turkish among world languages.


Coordinator Güray stated that with the signed protocol, an important step was taken to promote Turkish culture on a wide basis in Georgia, especially in the city of Kutaisi, and hoped that the protocol would lead to increased cultural interaction between the two countries.


“Turkish has become a language whose position has strengthened among the world languages in recent years”


Regarding the accepted protocol, “We include Turkish as a compulsory foreign language course in our school due to the fact that Turkish has become a language whose position has strengthened among the world languages in recent years,” said Manana Karkashadze, the founder of Ghone Kveknisa Private School.


Stating that Türkiye and Georgia have shared a common culture throughout history, Karkashadze stated that he wishes to further increase the cultural exchange between the two countries through Turkish.




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