Writer İskender Pala met with Readers in Macedonia

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Skopje Yunus Emre Enstitüsü brought İskender Pala together with Macedonian literary lovers.

Literary enthusiasts showed great interest in the launch event of Macedonian translation of the book Katre-i Matem, organized by Skopje Yunus Emre Enstitüsü.

Launch event of "İstanbul'un Lalesi”, translated into Macedonian as “Laleto na İstanbul" was attended by book's author Pala as well as the famous Albanian writer Luan Starova and academician Aleksandar Prokopiev. Pala expressed his appreciation for the translation of his book into Macedonian. Pala, who described his writings as "Usual things under the sky", said, "Only the attire is different. It is a story that took place in the 18th century however it is actually a story of today. It is a book that will refresh our memory in these regions by setting a stage that matches the beauty of Istanbul, maybe with the beauty of Skopje.”

Deputy Director of Skopje Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Fuat Korkmaz also said that they are excited and pleased to host Turkish writers and literary figures in Macedonia and to bring them together with book lovers.

Korkmaz relayed that there has been intense interest in Turkish writers and poets in Macedonia in the recent period, and said, "We witness this evening that the mission of translating works by Turkish authors and bringing them together with literature lovers here, is important for us."

Author Pala signed his book for his readers after the event.