Workshops of Tanışkan Project Held in Podgorica

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

Workshops were held for Tanışkan Project, developed by Yunus Emre Institute in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, in order to adapt to the changing and developing world of technology, which brings together art and Turkish using new technologies such as artificial intelligence and NFT.

Technology-savvy children, adults and guests attended the workshops held at Podgorica Bristol Hotel. Within the scope of Tanışkan Project's workshop held in Podgorica, children and adults produced works of art and Turkish digital content using new technologies such as NFT, which has become very popular recently.

In the workshops held in separate sessions for children and adults, participants put forward their creative ideas within the framework of art by creating new stories in "Turkish" through the space they created through new technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Participants interested in technology who came together in the workshops learned how to write a prompt, which is the equivalent of "input" in terminology, after receiving information about the production of digital content through artificial intelligence. After writing the prompt, the participants prepared digital content for themselves and other participants.

In the continuation of the workshop, after examining the sample digital contents prepared based on the expressions in Yunus Emre's verses, the participants produced new digital contents by transferring the words and meanings of Yunus Emre's verses to artificial intelligence in their own way.

Tanışkan Project

The Tanışkan Project, developed by the Institute in 2022 by combining Turkish, artificial intelligence and art, plays an important role in integrating technological developments into Turkish teaching and drawing new horizons in many geographies by opening up to the world on the 100th anniversary of the Republic.