72nd Turcology Protocol was signed with Lebanese University

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Yunus Emre Enstitüsü and the biggest and only state university in Lebanon, Lebanese University signed the 72nd Turcology Protocol which will take effect as of 2016-2017 school year.

Yunus Emre Enstitüsü President Prof. Dr. Şeref ATEŞ who made a speech in the signing ceremony, mentioned the importance of making Turcology studies widespread in Middle East region and underlined that Turkey and Lebanon lived together for many years and studies on common legacies can be carried out as as well as operations aimed at Turkish instruction. Rector of Lebanese University Adnan Al-Sayyed Hussein expressed their joy in visiting Turkey and that they regard the protocol signed as a major step towards uncovering the common legacies in Beirut.

In Department of Turkish Language and Literature to be established in Lebanese University as part of the protocol, Our Presidency will assign faculty members, invite students to summer schools and carry out various academic studies.