Aerial View of Turquoise Exhibition in Japan

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

Tokyo Yunus Emre Enstitüsü organised the exhibition titled Turkey from 1000 Feet by aerial photographer Alp Alper, retired from Turkish Airlines after many years of service, and also published a book with the same title. The exhibition visited Tokyo, Shizouka and Kyoto cities in Japan with the title Aerial View of Turquoise.

30 photos selected from Alp Alper's aerial Turkey shots were exhibited in Shibuya, one of Tokyo's most central locations between April 4-12, in Shizouka famous with its natural beauty between April 14-17, and  Japan's cultural capital Kyoto between April 22-23.

The maps under the photographs by Tokyo Yunus Emre Enstitüsü provided the visitors with information on the features  of the photographed areas and their locations in Turkey.

Exhibition opening was attended by Turkish Ambassador to Tokyo A. Bülent Meriç, Shizouka mayor, parliament members, Shibuya and Numazu Mayors and numerous artists.