Rise of Turkophobia in West and FETÖ

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Prof. Dr. Özcan Hıdır states in his analysis titled “Rise of Turkophobia in West and FETÖ” that FETÖ has become the primary instrument for fuelling Turkophobia around the world and in Western countries particularly after July 15th. In the subsection of the analysis where Prof. Dr. Hıdır asks the question “But why?”, he gives institutions like Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, YTB, TİKA and Maarif Foundation as example.

With the example “Taking steps towards mobilization of Turks abroad, particularly Turks in Western Europe, for them to efficiently lobby for Turkey through rapid establishment of organisations such as YTB, TİKA, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü and Maarif Foundation recently established, which carry out “soft power” activities at countries overseas” in his analysis, Prof. Dr. Özcan Hıdır pointed out the following:

Although Turkophobia or Turkey-phobia concepts have not made it to international contemporary literature, it may be considered a subcategory of xenophobia and Islamophobia. We may add Erdoğanophobia to that list and moreover may claim that Turkophobia is rather circulated through Erdoğanophobia. The fact that concepts such as Erdoğanophobia or anti-Erdoğanism are deliberately and invariably on West's agenda, is apparent for all those following Western newspapers or TV channels. 

There are numerous reasons for Erdoğanophobia to emerge in the West however especially after 17-25 December and July 15th, it has become clear that FETÖ members played a major part in this process. FETÖ has developed an anti-Turkey discourse and carries out operations entirely over Erdoğan, referring to him as “dictator” and “sultan”. Because they know these are effective concepts with historical associations for the Europeans and Westerners.

Historical origins of “Turkophobia” in Europe

As a matter of fact “Turkophobia” emerged in Europe following conquest of Constantinople and became established and widespread in Europe particularly in the 15th and 16th centuries. Historical documents register that this phobia peaked in periods of Sultan II Mehmet, conqueror of Istanbul, and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who expanded Ottoman borders all the way to Vienna. These two sultans traumatized Westerners so much that the effects are still visible. The expression “sultan” used in the West (in a way to evoke dictatorship), generally refers to two above mentioned sultans.

The phrase "Mamma li Turchi!" (Mama, Turks are coming!) Italians use to explain a fearsome situation or to scare children, is a striking manifestation of this fear and trauma.

Again some prominent philosophers, clerics and writers of the period discussed Turkophobia as a theme and spoke of the battle and all-out war against Turks. Writers, clerics and philosophers such as Voltaire, Erasmus, John Calvin, Martin Luther wrote books which antagonize Turks, and called people to fight against Turks with their discourse and actions which is an indicator. For instance, the founder of Protestantism Martin Luther wrote books titled “On the War with Turks” and “A Military Sermon Against Turks”. Desiderius Erasmus, who gave his name to EU's university student exchange program, was in fact an anti-Turk and anti-Islam Dutch philosopher-theologian. The thinkers of the period worked towards imprinting in the minds of the Europeans the theological idea that Turks are a punishment from God.

In this context, we cannot overlook the fact that the figures who shaped Western religious and mental codes were predominantly Turkophobic and at the same time anti-Islamist, wrote books on these subjects, and undoubtedly influenced the background of the current rise of Turkophobia/ Erdoğanophobia. The same also applies in presenting Erdoğan as “sultan” with reference to Mehmet and Suleiman in some analyses in European and Western press.

History Repeating or "Mamma li Erdoğan"

Late Mehmet Akif said the following in response to the statement that history repeats itself: “Would history repeat itself had lessons been learned?” However it is apparent that history repeats itself considering  Turkophobia and anti-Turk actions recently on the rise in Europe. This repetition rather manifests as “Erdoğanophobia”. Each news item/analysis or TV show on Turkey and Erdoğan in American and European press accuses Erdoğan of being a “dictator”. Even when Turkey is mentioned in a conversation with an ordinary person, Erdoğan is implied and accused of being a “dictator”.

Unfortunately the opinions regarding Turkey and Erdoğan are determined by the images fabricated in line with a quote by Walker Connor who studied communities behaviour: “The truth does not determine human behaviour but their beliefs and perceptions of the facts do”. These fabricated images cover the truth and moreover push it aside. Images occupy the minds so to speak and the truth behind the image is utterly abandoned.

This image based on fear of Turks, fabricated in the past both due to military and religious reasons, still survives in the subconscious of Westerns and it is revived and expressed when Turkey and Erdoğan are in question, as a reflex . The history undoubtedly repeats itself in this respect: only the people, background and the methods are different.


But why?

In face of all the opposition, the primary reasons behind it are as follows: Turkey under Tayyip Erdoğan's leadership returning to its historical references in its origins, being unstoppable, constantly developing, denying to put on the straitjacket forced upon it, pursuing “active”, “pro-active” policies instead of being “reactive”, acting in accordance with its own agenda instead of that of Western decision-makers unlike in previous terms, establishing itself in world politics and mainly in Middle Eastern politics, Erdoğan underlining the unjust approach of EU by saying “World is bigger than five” before 193 country and government leaders in a speech in UN, Turkey rapidly strengthening its defence industry, entering the battlefield in Syria as “a quarterback and an unmasker” with “Fırat Shield” operation, deferring all attacks by terrorist organisations as FETÖ, PKK and PYD while swiftly realising its major projects, proceeding on its course ignoring the manipulations on economy by international financial instruments as Moody's, carrying out humanitarian aid activities in numerous countries and mainly in Islam world, taking steps towards mobilization of Turks abroad, particularly Turks in Western Europe, for them to efficiently lobby for Turkey through rapid establishment of organisations such as YTB, TİKA, Yunus Emre Enstitüsü and Maarif Foundation recently established, which carry out “soft power” activities at countries overseas.

However the most important reason may be the following: FETÖ, gathered and enabled by Orientalist aimed at Turkey and Islam world for many years, has largely been uncovered since July 15th and a mirror was held to the European countries.


FETÖ's influence on Turkophobia/Erdoğanophobia in Netherlands

Particularly following July 15th, FETÖ has been the foremost tool/instrument for Turkophobia/Erdoğanophobia all over the world and mainly in Western countries.

It is apparent that they directly/indirectly influence all the anti-Turkey and anti-Erdoğan activities in almost all Western countries and mainly in USA, England, France, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium. These transform into more effective campaigns when combined with Turkophobic/Erdoğanophobic discourse and actions already existent in respective countries.

Naturally this may lead to negative changes in image of Turks living in those countries and policies regarding Turks. Particularly Turkish institutions and organisations in European countries devoted to Turkey and Turkish nation, are qualified and declared as “long arms of Turkey and Erdoğan”.

The latest and most tangible example to this is the motion entered by Christian Democratic Party (CDA) and recently passed by majority vote in Dutch Assembly (Tweede Kamer) known to be a major base of FETÖ's organisation in Europe. Motion claims that financing imams under Religious Affairs in Netherlands prevents integration, this means intervention in domestic affairs of Netherlands and therefore must be hindered. The influence of systematic campaigns for the past three years which allege that Turkish institutions and organisations hinder Turks' integration is undeniable at this point reached. However the primary factor here is FETÖ members' propagandas and accusations, saying that “Imams under Religious Affairs are agents of Turkey and Erdoğan”. Eventually status of Religious Affairs, mosques and imams under Religious Affairs were got under a microscope, and numerous media outlets claimed in news-analyses that the mosques are Erdoğan's propaganda points.

In the front line of those behind the news, are racist Dutch party (PVV) leader Geert Wilders who said after July 15th “I was going to see a world without Erdoğan, I am upset that the July 15th failed,”, Christian parties and FETÖ members. In reality, mosques under Religious Affairs promote an Islam approach far from radical and it is a fact continuously emphasized in relevant reports. However “Erdoğanophobia” on the rise after 17-25 December and lastly after July 15th by manipulations of FETÖ members,  manifests as pressure on other Turkish institutions who raise their voices in the face of activities against Religious Affairs mosques/ imams and Turkey.

These require taking strong strategic steps towards reducing (if possible, eliminating) the existing phobia and restoring the negative anti-Turkey and anti-Erdoğan image emerged as a result alongside the efficient battle against FETÖ in the West. There is no doubt that it is essential to study history well and lessons must be drawn so it will not repeat itself.