“Building Bridges in Vienna” Exhibition Ended

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The group painting exhibition titled “Building Bridges; Art Unites Cultures” comprises the paintings of five different artists of Yunus Emre Institute Vienna: Zamir Yushaev, Lom-Ali Sugaipov (Mag.Phil.), Sonja Farcher, Sonjuschka Golovanova and Marat Pacheav. The exhibition ended with the closing program organized on July 16.

It was opened on June 15 and met art lovers for one month, and also attracted considerable attraction just as during the closing. The Institute Director, Mevlüt Bulut, said: “We opened this exhibition one month ago and today we have the final of this exhibition. We exhibited the works of five different artists; and I would like to thank them. Our exhibition is titled “Building Bridges; Art Unites Cultures.” Here, we also functioned as a bridge since we hosted this event just as Turkey is a bridge between East and West, Yunus Emre Institute Vienna also functions as a bridge here.” During conversation part of the program, five artists said: Yunus Emre Institute for providing us the opportunity to sing here.”sought the answer to questions “Does art unite cultures? If it does, how does it do that?” The artists made evaluations from their own perspectives and experiences, and indicated that language of the art is international and we should try to improve this language. The artists indicated that the artists, who made connections with different cultures, were more productive and created more original works. They emphasized that, at that point, art was enriched with different cultures and was the best way to communicate with other cultures. The artists indicated that the required response would be given to some negative attitudes towards different cultures in Europe by means of artists of these cultures.Yunus Emre Institute for providing such an opportunity.

The program ended with the classical music concert given by the pianist, Marina Moisieva; the fiddler, Liana Grigoryan; and the opera singers, Anastasia Zhizhimontova and Karina Aresteyeva.