A Certification Program Launched Aimed at Foreign Turcologists Abroad

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

By collaboration of Yunus Emre Enstitüsü and Gazi University, the opening of 32nd Certification Program aimed at foreign Turcology graduates abroad, to be organised in Gazi University Turkish Instruction, Research and Application Centre (TÖMER) between 01-27 August 2016 was held with attendance of Enstitü President Prof. Dr. Şeref Ateş.

Various certification programs are held by Yunus Emre Enstitüsü with the aim of training expert instructor in field of teaching Turkey as a foreign language, and to contribute in professional development of aspiring individuals and professionals in this field. One of the certification programs organised aimed at both participants who are Turkish citizens and foreign Turcologists who live abroad, 2016 application of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language Certification Program will be held in various universities in different cities in Turkey.


Around 750 People Have Received Certificates since 2009

28 out of 31 certification programs organised between 2009-2016 targeted Turkish citizens as three targeted foreign Turcologists. Yunus Emre Enstitüsü certification programs that have provided 750 people with Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language Certificate so far, have been realised through collaborations with institutions and organisations with experience in this field. Applied and theoretical trainings are given by experts with experience in their fields realised by way of cooperation protocols Yunus Emre  Enstitüsü signed with  Ankara University, Gazi University, İstanbul University, Yıldız Technical University, Kocaeli University, İnönü University and Sakarya University.


32nd Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language Certification Program for Foreign Turcologists

To be organised by Yunus Emre Enstitüsü, 32nd Certification Program aimed at foreign Turcology graduates abroad, will be held in collaboration with prominent Turkish university Gazi University in Turkish Instruction, Research and Application Centre (TÖMER) between 01-27 August 2016. 25 Turcologists from 13 countries will participate in the certification program and educative excursions will be organised in cities Ankara, Bursa, Kastamonu and İstanbul as part of the program. Students to receive their certificates in the closing event, will attend to Turkish Festival in Istanbul on August 27th 2016 and say goodbye to Turkey.