Intense Interest in Turkish and Turkish Culture in Iran

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Yunus Emre Institute continues its activities with great momentum to meet the increasing demand for Turkish language and culture all over the world.

The physical and digital activities carried out by Tehran Yunus Emre Institute, which started its activities in Iran in 2012 to promote Turkey, Turkish language and culture, attract great interest from Iranians.


The cultural common ground between the two countries and the fact that Turkish TV series feature elements of Turkey and Turkish culture have led to an exponential increase in the demand to learn Turkish in Iran. Tehran Yunus Emre Institute, which switched to digital Turkish courses during the pandemic, has brought together nearly 20 thousand people with Turkish language and culture since 2012 with the courses it offers.

Tehran Yunus Emre Institute trainee Mirzayi stated, "I attend Tehran Yunus Emre Institute's Turkish courses. At the Institute, in addition to learning Turkish, I had the opportunity to get to know Turkish culture closely and I became interested in Turkish culture. I also attend the Institute’s traditional Turkish archery course. I would like to thank Yunus Emre Institute."

Trainee Mamaghani said: "I am learning Turkish because I love Turkish very much and I want to continue my education in Turkey. The fact that our cultures are so close to each other is only one of the reasons that I am learning Turkish."

Salmani, another trainee, stated, "I had the opportunity to visit Turkey several times. Turkey is such a beautiful country. After my visit to Turkey, I decided to learn Turkish. Now I am learning Turkish at Yunus Emre Institute."


Tehran Yunus Emre Institute Coordinator İbrahim Furkan Özdemir stated, "As Tehran Yunus Emre Institute, we have offered nearly 20 thousand Iranians the opportunity to learn Turkish since the opening of our Institute. In addition to Turkish courses, we organize a wide range of culture and arts activities, including exhibitions, art workshops, panels and talks reflecting Turkish culture. We are very pleased with the interest shown in Turkey, Turkish language and culture."


Tehran Yunus Emre Institute Education Officer Kave Fazlikhalaf said, "Our trainees enroll in our courses to learn Turkish for many different reasons. Some of our trainees come to our Institute to learn Turkish because they wish to live in Turkey. Some want to pursue education in Turkey, while some are interested in Turkish because of the Turkish TV series they watch."

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